Hi, I'm Al Janssen. I'm not naturally a fearless man. Allow me to introduce you to someone who showed me how to live boldly for God.


Who am I? I could tell you that Al Janssen has written more than 30 books. I cold "brag" about 50+ years as an editor, publisher, Chief Communications Officer, and consultant. Then you'd know a little about my resume, but not much about me as a person.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I came to faith in fifth grade and experienced a revival my senior year in college. I served five years as a writer on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ (known today as Cru). Subsequently I continued to minister in several other Christian organizations. In 2010 I was ordained as an Anglican priest.

But this website is not about me. I want you to meet my friend Brother Andrew who taught me more about living for Jesus than any other individual. He did it mainly through his example.

It was my privilege to travel and work alongside Brother Andrew for 15 years. We wrote six books together. We ministered in countries where it is most dangerous to identify as Christian. Andrew took me with him to witness to leaders of extremist groups that persecute our Christian brothers and sisters.

Without a doubt this Dutch missionary lived a bold and radical faith that touched millions of lives.

My friend has finished his race and been promoted to heaven. I'm pouring through his notes, sermons and interviews and I want to share some of his insights with you. I plan to send two blogs per month. I hope you will sign up to receive these blog posts plus occasional emails with news about our newest book.

My prayer is that this blog with video clips from Brother Andrew will encourage you to live fearlessly for Jesus. I would love to hear how these message impact you. Send me your reactions and any questions. That will help me know how to draw from the treasure trove of Brother Andrew's experiences and teaching.



Al Janssen has provided a variety of services including:

  • Creative brainstorming

  • Manuscript review

  • Strategic development

A partial list of clients include:



Al is in demand as a speaker around the world. He is an ordained Anglican minister and has lectured on marriage, prayer, writing, and numerous other topics. In the United States, he has been an inspirational speaker at missions conferences and writers’ conferences. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows. Around the world he has spoken in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, the Netherlands, Germany, Egypt, Pakistan, Nepal, and more.

Al is available to speak on the following topics:

  • Writing, including Storytelling and story structure

  • Bible Messages and Sermons

  • Fearless Living

  • Marriage

  • Prayer

  • The Persecuted Church around the World