Is there any way to learn the secret of living Fearless by Faith? Brother Andrew and I found beautiful examples of fearless faith in the lives of brothers and sisters living in persecution. In our book Secret Believers, we tell the story of Butros (we changed his name for his protection) as he continues to live under threats from Islamic extremists. The following was an early conversation after Butros decided to return to his country and Andrew promised to support him in any way he needed.
Brother Andrew encouraged Butros to start his ministry by visiting pastors and asking them to reveal their hopes and fears. “Learn about the spiritual health of their congregations,” Brother Andrew advised. “Are the people weak or strong spiritually?”
“I don’t think we’re very strong,” Butros lamented.
“Find out why. For example, the Scriptures say that every person in the world has a right to hear the gospel. How is the church doing in that regard? Are they seeing people come to faith in Jesus Christ?”
“But we live in a Muslim society. We’re maybe 5 percent of the population.”
“Does God want Muslims to hear the gospel?”
“Yes, I know He does. That is my heart’s desire, but most Christians are afraid to witness for Jesus.”
“So what is the Spirit saying to your situation? Does He want you to help strengthen the churches so that they will be an effective witness to Muslims? I know this makes you vulnerable. Consider that God was vulnerable. He saved others. He could not save Himself. We have to maneuver ourselves into a position where we are vulnerable, but for one purpose: to save others.”
Butros let out a big sigh, clearly troubled by the implication. Andrew had forced him to confront the core issues he would need to face when he returned home. “I think the church is just trying to survive in my country.”
“Then strengthen her. God has an important job for her to do. The work of the church is not survival. She exists to fulfill the Great Commission. Her work is making disciples of all nations. You know that Islam is an aggressive evangelistic religion. Much of the Church isn’t meeting that challenge. We are not doing what God told us to do. Our aim is that the world will be full of the knowledge of the Lord.”
Butros went back and for more than 35 years has worked to strengthen the Church with remarkable results. You can read the story in our book Secret Believers.
And our book, Fearless by Faith—Brother Andrew preached these messages in Butros’s country and many other Islamic countries. Order your copy here. And consider studying it with others. You can download a free study guide here.
I am challenged by the title of Al’s blog: The Persecuted Church Shows Us How to Live Fearlessly. How are they so able to live in fearless faith under such terrible persecution, including the constant threat of death. It’s hard to understand. . I haven’t walked in their shoes. I can only imagine.
One thing for sure,, they hunger for Bibles, and when they are received through organizations such as Open Doors, they immerse themselves in the Word and not only read about the God of the Bible and believe in Him but truly KNOW Him and have faith in His promise to never leave them nor forsake them—-even in times of persecution. Their faith is fearless because it is faith in Jesus, who experienced agonizing death on the Cross beyond human understanding ; and now lives at the Father’s right hand ever interceding for them, imparting His strength to endure.
To endure, I am certain they must sense Jesus beside them, giving them strength. AND ……they are trusting in and depending on the faithful prayers of their brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible is clear that the church is to pray for the persecuted. And I am sure they pray for us These are just a few ways I see how the persecuted church can show us how to live fearlessly——immersed in God’s Word; looking to and clinging to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, totally filled with and guided by the Holy Spirit.and fervently and faithfully PRAY. The challenge is: Are we, the church in America, am I, recognizing the need to learn from the persecuted church in how to live fearlessly in the days ahead?
Thank you, Betty. Yes, I believe the Persecuted Church has much to give us–if we are willing to learn from them.
I’m embarrassed by the original title of the blog–a typing mistake that wasn’t caught until after it was posted. Fortunately, Betty got the message. The Persecuted Church CAN show us how to live fearlessly!